- To promote the advancement of upper gastrointestinal tract surgery and allied subjects for public benefit.
- To co-ordinate and correlate the efforts of organisations, companies, associations, societies, institutions, statutory bodies and other authorities and individuals interested in upper gastrointestinal surgery or allied subjects, in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disease for reducing mortality therefrom in Hong Kong.
- To promote, foster, develop and assist medical and allied profession in the study of and the acquisition, dissemination and application of knowledge and information concerning upper gastrointestinal surgery and allied subjects.
- To stimulate public interest and provide public education in the upper gastrointestinal surgery and related subjects and to assist in keeping the medical profession in Hong Kong up to date in the latest development in the field of medical and scientific research for public benefit
- To encourage, assist and arrange for medical practitioners, scientists, students and others to come to Hong Kong for the purposes of research and study and for the purposes of teaching and demonstrating theory and practice related to the causes diagnosis and treatment of upper gastrointestinal disease.
- To encourage, assist and arrange for medical practitioners, scientists, students and others to travel abroad and engage in research study and training and to gain experience in upper gastrointestinal surgery for public benefit.
- To encourage, arrange for and assist medical practitioners, scientists students and others from Hong Kong and from aboard to undertake research in basic sciences of upper gastrointestinal surgery and to acquire training in upper gastrointestinal surgery.
- To encourage, arrange, form, promote, establish and support special dispensary facilities, non-profit making infirmaries, clinics and institutions in upper gastrointestinal surgery.
- To arrange or provide monetary assistance for and establish scholarships and make donations to students, medical practitioners, scientists and other persons for the purposes of teaching and demonstrating their professional skill in and knowledge of upper gastrointestinal surgery.
- To undertake all such measures for the care, aid, protection, education, recreation and rehabilitation of persons suffering from diseases as the Council from time to time may determine.
- To build, establish, maintain, manage or operate non-profit making hospitals, sanatoria, nursing homes, clinics, dispensaries, laboratories, research units and hostels.
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